hello, love.

almost a month ago, a friend & I drove about an hour out of town & down many dirt roads to a farm belonging to her grandparents. we sat outside, among the wildflowers & hummingbirds, & talked until the late afternoon. her grandfather, before we left, insisted that we each take a bag of his homegrown salad mix from his garden & I couldn't resist. 
it was incredibly peaceful, being out on the farm. and as it gets closer to graduation, I sometimes wonder where luke & I will end up. next spring, we will start the process of applying for the peace corp. but after that, will we travel to another state, perhaps oregon? will we continue our lives in columbia & make a permanent home here? & will we decide to live out in the country & create a farm together? or will we decide to make a small plot in the city & still enjoy the small pleasures of riding bicycles to the library & market?
there is still so much time, but I am always wondering. I know that wherever we end up, it will be good. one of my favorite things about luke is his hard work in pursuing his dreams. i see that now in him as he works at uprise bakery. so, I am sure that luke & I will continue to foster these spirits for a life of simplicity, of traveling, of making a home & serving Him.



Luke Freeman said...

dearest Natalie,

wherever we end up, I am so happy that I will be there with you. There isn't anyone I'd rather share my dreams with. Right now, our dreams are like a tiny seed just planted in the earth. Who knows what they'll grow into? But it will be wonderful -- that I much I know. God has so much in store for us. I get excited just thinking about it.

But August 1st is the beginning of this journey, and I can't wait to begin life with you, my bride. I love you so much, Natalie. It means a lot to me that you think I work hard in pursuing my dreams. But I want you to know that I will work just as hard to pursue your dreams and pursue our dreams.

- the love of your life

fawn & fern said...

you're so beautiful, i love you!!

I can't wait for you to me Mrs. Freeman! Awwwws.

I got your card. You're the best. Lili loves you too, god-momma!

Julia said...

what a sweet post! it's always exciting to start off on a journey with someone. :)

preppygoesrock said...

lovely pictures!!!
check out my blog http://preppygoesrock.blogspot.com/

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