in the garden

our garden is bursting with life.

+ the golden light late in the evening as we stay out just a bit more to plant, weed, harvest, & admire our small backyard

+ tiny little sungolds appearing on our tomato plants. this is our first year for sungolds- a recommendation from amy (thank you!). i am so excited to taste handfuls of this sweet tomato candy in just a few short weeks!

+ baskets of green beans & radishes turned into jars of {fermented} goodness. luke is really geeking out this summer learning to ferment all kinds of vegetables, fruits, rinds & stems. love it!

+ flowering dill creating a thick bed of bright green flora. we are drying the seeds for pickling cucumbers late in the summer

+ harvesting fresh fennel & sauteing it with a spoonful of coconut oil for dinner

+ beautiful shades of brown eggs among fresh chard & spent kale

+ using every inch of our space- an old cold frame made into the perfect bed for trellising cucumber plants

+ a blanket of volunteer pumpkins weaving around our tomato beds & next to our coop

+ a weekend of more planting, more harvesting, more weeding. the season is just beginning!

what is happening in your garden?

1 comment:

Liesl said...

So much going on in your garden!
I've never heard of sungold tomatoes. They sound interesting.

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